Saturday, September 21, 2013

Adat Mappalili

Adat Mappalili di Kecamatan Segeri Kabupaten Pangkep
Pangkep is a one of regency which has mayority is Buginese. In Pangkep, there are many cultures which different with the other regency. The cultures like Bissu Dance and Mappalili. Besides that, pangkep has many traditional food like Dange which from segeri, Cao which from Archipelago of pangkep, SOP saudara which from Minasate’ne, cucuru bayao and many more. The culture in different area in Pangkep has a different cultures too. So, as society of Pangkep we have to protect that culture with many way.
In this good chance our grup will be presentate about traditional culture in subdistrict Segeri that Mabbissu.
SEGERI is one of the district within the scope of the District Pangkep. It is located about 70 kilometers north of Makassar (South Sulawesi). If we take the bus from Makasssar to Toraja, for example, then the district is easy to spot because of all the hundreds of street vendors lined shaft Segeri Dange typical snacks. If the name 'Segeri', then the general public outside Pangkep also directly relate to the Community bissu Yes, indeed. Community 'bissu Dewatae' which is generally known to the public through the art of dance maggirinya attraction is indeed focussed its activities on the ball Arajange '(heritage house) in the District Segeri - Pangkep.
The word "Segeri" allegedly came from bugis language, "Se'geri", which means less is more. In the society said a day - today this word is often interpreted as "assertive", "assert" or "bluff". I suspect this is related to the character of a brave man Segeri because of its history a lot of ups and downs in the war, born of war and murder. They are required to firmly and should not be less bullying than others.
The word "Segeri" many others say it comes from the word "Sigere '- Gere'" (Bugis: kill each other or intersect). These allegations against the background of the event bloodbath / war in that area in the past, when the area became a meeting place for two people or two groups of the same - the same stake siri'nya (self-esteem) that must be avenged (paid) after bloodshed as victim.
There is also a third opinion, which says that the word "Segeri" comes from the word "Sigegeri" (Makassar: commotion; ado lacks the burst of laughters; vent their mutual pleasure; crowded). But the latter notion is less get a confirmation in the field given society is a society berpenutur Segeri Bugis language, not language Makassar. In the kingdom still berlangsungpun, nobles and people with a lot mate mawin Luwu, Soppeng, Tanete and Bone is also use Buginese.
Custom event "Mappalili" led bissu or Puang Matoa marked the beginning of the planting season in Pangkep District, South Sulawesi.
"Customary ceremonies conducted hereditary believed the local community as a guide for farmers to begin rice planting season," said Saidi bissu Puang who is also chairman of indigenous peoples in the house Arajang Segeri, Pangkep District.
He said, when the government held by the king in prehistoric times, bissu entrusted upaca indigenous leaders, including the establishment of day determines its execution.
But with the change of government system, establishment of D-day ceremonies that have received government interference.
Once there is a proposal setting Mappalili, continued bissu, it was still awaiting the readiness of the government officials began headman, sub-district to district to attend the ritual procession of planting rice in the rainy season is done once a year.
He further said that after the events held by the parties bissu Mappalili Segeri kingdom, the local community before planting rice in paddies. It's been done down through the generations.
"People believe it. If there is a breach or precede planting rice before custom event was held, usually getting reinforcements or plants puso," added the secretary of the steering committee Mappalili Mude Arifin Muh.
Mappalili custom event that was held for three days from November 14 to 16, 2010, beginning with the show "atteddu arajang" or the auspicious wake hijackers tool, then "arajang ri'alu" or pirates parading around the village accompanied by rice fields of traditional music and traditional stakeholders who use traditional dresses.
The highlight on the third day of "majjori" or start plowing the Kingdom Segeri heritage. The event was no less full swing with the two previous events. Because after it's done majjori procession, followed by a flush-shower events as a form of joy by indigenous and local community stakeholders.
Precisely in the Village Bontomatene, District Segeri, Pangkep District, South Sulawesi Province, people still do the ceremony before planting rice, pound rice, and thanksgiving ceremony at the rice harvest. Unique and interesting because of the tradition of an agrarian society here as the main perpetrators of ritual must be performed / led by a Puang Matowa, assisted by a representative who holds Puang Lolo, and both were appointed by the king or ruler. Puang Matowa bissu is the chairman of the community, which actually is:
1.    Guard the king and the royal guards in the days of royal heritage in South Sulawesi;
2.    People who take care of the household system of the king;
3.    People who like women but invulnerable to sharp weapons;
4.    People who are believed to cure the sick are referred to as physician
5.    Including calabai community (communities that have a split personality), but not calabai usual, ie as the transvestities;
6.    Plays an important role in the kingdom that is as an intermediary world above and below the so-called Gods bissu.

Tradition, which is run by the government of former Bugis kingdom implies malebbi and malemppu, which means glory and honesty. Therefore, the entire grammar rules adhered to by sincere and earnest. Moral of the main target rules, so what the objectives and targets will be achieved with good ceremony. When the rules of morality are replaced orally charged with the written rules are more modern, then the rules are in traditional oral society began to lose its power.
The presence in the village bissu Bontomatene, District Segeri, District Pangkep estimated to have existed since the 1825's. When was there a son named Bonne Kingdom Pajunglolo Map Tolawe who fled to Segeri, but unknown reason the cause escape. Royal Bone heirloom mysteriously, called Arajang follow the runaway son of the king. This form of inheritance arajang plow, so since then started there Mapalili ceremony. This ceremony is to begin planting rice in the hope of someday getting a satisfactory harvest. Mapalili ceremony is a long series of ceremonies, which include:
1.    Mateddu Arajang (prepare Arajang);
2.    Mapalesso Arajang (lower the plow fields);
3.    Majori Arajang (prepare Arajang);
4.    Maggiri (featuring attractions bissu dance by showing immunity against sharp weapons)

Formerly Mapalili ceremony lasted for 9 days, later reduced to 7 days, and at present is only carried out for 2 days. When it comes to Segeri, Pajunglolo Map Tolawe build a palace in Baruga. The palace was later moved to the Village Bontomatene, District Segeri. The palace was built is often used for meetings of the bissu. Bissu in Pangkep District is still active in carrying out activities Mappalili ceremony which was held once a year to mark the beginning workmanship for planting rice paddies. Bissu also said to be the advisor to the king and his family, as well as serving and maintaining Arajang which is a sacred heirloom. Heritage objects are maintained in a special place in the palace, which is in the offering.
Puang Matowa bissu is the chairman of the community. Puang Matowa at the time elected by the people of the kingdom and was crowned by the king. Puang Matowa duty to keep heritage and serving the kingdom's royal family, and his life covered by the kingdom. Usually Puang Matowa residing in royal heritage home (Ball Arajang). Puang bissu Matowa is a leader, then when can not be present in an event, which will replace the Puang Lolo as his deputy.
Puang Lolo referred to as the representative of Puang Matowa or can also be as a replacement candidate is led bissu. Therefore the advantages possessed by Puang Matowa not much different to that held by Lolo Puang. Lolo Puang inauguration inauguration along with Puang Matowa, because Puang Lolo was elected by the people and appointed by the king.
While bissu bissu Tantre is deemed to have knowledge of a high or high degree, in the sense of this bissu very quickly catch and respond quickly to what is taught by Puang Matowa. There is also the so-called bissu Poncok is bissu having a low degree or low because not too knowledgeable quickly understand and respond to what is taught by Puang Matowa. Bissu Tantre and bissu Poncok will appear and dance in a ritual ceremony led by Puang Matowa. Currently the number bissu 6 people living alone, among which are Puang Matowa, Puang Lolo, bissu Tantre (Zulaeka), and bissu Ponco (there are 4 people). According to Andi Lightning bissu Latif in his book entitled, The struggle and Role in Society Bugis mentioned that bissu contained in Segeri have differences with bissu in Bone. Bissu differences of both regions are as follows.
The tools used in the dance bissu include two kris (a symbol of male and female), lalosu (woven bamboo-shaped head and body chicken snake, the symbol of the world above and the underworld), costume depicting the embodiment of the gods, and so on. Usually the bissu good at dancing and singing to bring a spell. But there is the bissu of aristocratic who can not dance, called the Pargundang. When looking for a sense of artistry bissu, is a bit confused whether this tradition can be categorized as a form of art, or dance with the name "mabissu" that can already be witnessed today is one part in ritual ceremonies in ancient times (the kingdom) is performed as forms and communications offerings to the gods, for the purpose of the celebration is permitted and running smoothly. In its heyday Bugis kingdoms, such as the Royal Kingdom of Luwu and Bone, the art of dance studied only in the palace. Dance in Bugis language (tongue Ugi) is called Sere (pacing) or maintain (just do not sleep all night) and also given the name given the prefix ma Joge be Majoge which means dancing and dancers pajoge means. Judging from its functions, dances Bugis has the function as:
1.    dance for the ceremony;
2.    dance for joy;
3.    dance for the spectacle or attraction.

Sere which means dance in general to call the dances that are sacred, while Joge generally used to welcome the dances that are fun, dance is a spectacle, or dance attractions. For example bissu dance that has a function for the birth ceremonies, marriage ceremonies, and ceremonies down the field, namely the existence of Maggiri dance. In the present Maggiri performances that have been staged and introduced in kesempa
an or cultural performances, and even has exhibited widely in Asian countries to Europe, the culture and traditions of the ancient Bugis community owned bissu can be interpreted as a form of traditional art in the form of dance.
Unique dance heritage by using a keris with mystical elements in it. From the descriptions obtained can be known there are several steps that are divided into six sessions in the bissu dance. If disistematiskan the dance known as Maggiri bissu divided into six stages, namely:
1.    Tette Sompe: Opening (offerings) to begin with the sound of drums, flutes blow (poem poem), and the accompaniment of gongs;
2.    Balisumange (Rise): The bissu starting out and tour coincided with the formation of circular and leaders seated behind Puang Matowa Walasuji: square of bamboo series which contains a number of heirlooms which represent "the world";
3.    Tette Lenyye: dimmed or slow rhythm of the music, and dancers bissu standing around in the "walasuji";
4.    Tette Losa-losa: the sound of music getting turned down, and dancers bissu continue around chanting mantras accompanied by Puan Matowa;
5.    Salakanjara (struggling), the bissu who danced to the attractions of torture of the body by putting the dagger in the neck or other body parts. This movement continued to rise and heat to showcase their abilities that humans are immune;
6.    Kanjara (peak intrance / trance): in this session is the culmination of an intense attraction, as if the dancers bissu especially leaders (Puang Matowa) struggling and showed his prowess with the stick as hard as I keris in turn of the hand, stomach and neck. There is a rolling, down which continue to stick sharp objects into her body. Musical accompaniment rhythm was increasing and finally stopped as a sign of classical dance performance was over.
Music played in dance Maggiri art is simple and does not require a lot of people to play it. The type of instrument that is needed in this art include:
1.    Gong (1 person);
2.    Drum (2 people);
3.    Pui-pui flute (1 person);
4.    Lae-Lae/semacam percussion instruments from bamboo slashed (2 people), buttons / bronze cymbals (1 person);
5.    Buttons / bronze cymbals (1 person);
6.    Children bacing (1 person), and
7.    Bowls and plates are rotated (1 person).

Rhythm of the song is determined from the sound of flute, while the drum controls the fast-slow-soft or loud music. As in the dance during the ritual ceremony bissu Mappalili, beginning with the singing, led by Puang Matowa to wake Arajang already stored for one year or fall asleep in the house heirloom, this procession is called the Matteddu Arajang (wake Arajang). Royal heritage in the form of plow the fields, then paraded to be bathed in the river by the people led by Puang Matowa, namely to do with the ceremony taking water from the river. After that Puang Matowa began to plow their fields to plow fields (heirloom) that has been bathed. The ceremony finished heirloom back with a white cloth wrapped and returned in place.`   
As for those properties or completeness of the tools used, according to the Lightning as written in his book bissu and Equipment, properties are used in dancing bissu use:
1.    Alosu, that is such a short wooden stick, shaped like a bird's head, beautifully woven with palm leaf (for now decorated with colored paper), and given a tail-ekoran. There is one more wrapped in red cloth, and tail-ekoran also called Arumpigi;
2.    Teddung Buburu (Buburu umbrella), which is yellow or orange-colored umbrellas are usually made of silk fabric and the handle of wood or bamboo. Outskirts of the umbrella decorated with beautiful lace. Then there also are using the flag as a complement to a property called the Flag Arajang;
3.    Iron Banrangga is like a spear that is put in place side by side with an umbrella;
4.    Oiye is like a small incision and a long bamboo wrapped in palm leaves (Latif :1981:27 Lightning A-30);
5.    Lellu is like a yellow tent and only the top, right and left side without a cloth, propped up with wood to form a square of five.
6.    Paccoda are the fixtures for the dancing, which is an eight-square wooden box

In addition to the tools used, offering well-prepared offerings. Metemmu Tang is offering some material offerings to God are deemed to have been encouraging. The offerings include foods from glutinous rice (which are colored white, yellow, red, and black), eggs, coconut, banana, white corn roasted, grilled chicken, chicken opor dry.
Everything is arranged in such a way as to be presented as an offering and gratitude to God Almighty. There was also a lit incense with oil as a medium to communicate with the world above the world below by Puang Matowa. And then they dance around and finally came to the attractions Maggiri using the keris, led by Puang Matowa. Substitution of movement from one movement to another movement is marked by the sound of drum. Places immunity against sharp weapons is done alternately, then the peak intrance bissu simultaneously and loudly as he stomped his foot to the floor with his body pierced wear keris.
The show lasted until the bissu quit intrance respectively, less than half an hour. At the time of the ancient ritual of the bissu wearing yellow and red costumes, while Puang Matowa wear white. But today's development than as a ritual ceremony, attractions bissu as well as a show. So for costumes and accessories that are used increasingly attractive, beautiful, and complete. The color of the costumes worn even more striking, though it's for clothing worn by Puang Matowa, so that not only the color white only. As for the clothes that used bissu when dancing is as follows:
1.    Bella's shirt and pants Chest or figure;
2.    LIPA Awik or gloves;
3.    Passapu or headband (headband) and a flower;
4.    Pakambang (shawl / scarf);
5.    kain Cinde (typical Bone);
6.    Rope yarn (such as a belt waist length).

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